About Us

We are a growing company based in San Diego, CA. Established in 2020, we have attracted significant investor funding to enable our unique vision to improve the Nation’s infrastructure, improve safety, and significantly reduce costs of ownership. In 2023, we secured a Patent in 33 countries around the world.

Our Founder’s Story

Our Founder’s Story

Graham Sutherland was working on a project to identify why a railroad was not performing as it should. Frequent delays, high maintenance costs, and missed faults led to the realization that early detection using vibration monitoring could save costs and improve safety.

We need to do better. If we can measure something about the bridge that the others are missing, we might be able to identify issues a lot earlier and change the owner’s cost and risk profile a lot. That is when we realized that there was space for a new, innovative product: vibration monitoring.

Graham Sutherland, Canetia founder

Our Vision

We aim to revolutionize infrastructure monitoring with high-accuracy, cost-effective solutions. By reducing dependence on visual inspections and leveraging advanced technology, we help clients save on maintenance costs and improve safety.

We’d love to know what you think.

We’re developing the User Interface and would really appreciate your feedback on our designs. Leave your email below and we’ll be in touch.