We are revolutionizing infrastructure monitoring

We are revolutionizing infrastructure monitoring

Our technology provides high-accuracy insights into building, bridge, and infrastructure condition using a unique and groundbreaking approach.

We are in the pilot stage of our journey, working with the University of California at San Diego to validate our technology. We’re always looking for more bridges to monitor and trial our technology.

About Our Monitoring System

About Our Monitoring System

We can tell when a bell has a flaw, tap it, it doesn’t ring true – it sounds muffled. But a bell without a flaw sounds clear. Bridges and buildings are no different – just more complex…

We use these vibrations to predict where the fault lies and what causes it.

By attaching a sensor and using Machine Learning to identify patterns in vibration data, our algorithm enables us to monitor many bridges and buildings simultaneously, accurately, and economically.

Traditionally, people inspect bridges and buildings using a visual approach, but that can be subjective and error prone. In winter months, accuracy can be badly affected.

Our system works all the time, 24/7, 365 days a year and in all weathers.

Problems We Solve

Problems We Solve


Many bridges are fragile or are in poor condition

There are over 600,000 road and rail bridges in the continental US alone. Over 17,000 bridges are considered ‘fracture critical’ meaning that one or more spans could collapse if just one element does not resist tension. Additionally, 42% of bridges are at least 50 years old, with 7.5% of the total (or more than 46,000 bridges) considered ‘structurally deficient.


Dangerous checks

The current inspection regime was introduced in the 1960s, based on a subjective, surface visual check at least once every two years. Since then, traffic has grown massively, and our bridges are serving way beyond what was originally envisaged. Surveys are subject to limitations caused by human error that can easily miss important issues. Moreover, staff must work from height or cross busy traffic lanes to get their job done, making inspection work risky. This approach is wasteful and remains inaccurate, no matter how hard-won insights about our infrastructure have been.


Not enough experts

Bridge inspection work is difficult and demanding and in all weather conditions, it is done in some very remote areas. There are hazards associated with inspection work. Not only that, there’s a demographic timebomb caused by a lack of trained people to inspect and survey our bridges. Many folks are retiring, with insufficient numbers of new people coming up to do this critical work, a particularly acute problem since the pandemic.


Costly delays

Small problems can quickly build up and lead to huge costs due to, closures, weight restrictions leading to inconvenience, detours, delays and broken supply chains, extra unplanned maintenance, and not forgetting increased repair bills, overtime and other damages faced by the owner, running into many $millions. We estimate that over $110 billion is lost in the economy due to poor bridge health, every single year.


Data fragmentation

Data isn’t held centrally, much is paper based, particularly for older photographic and repair data. That makes it harder to work out what actions are needed now. We take in historical, environmental, and contextual data to work out what happens next. Doing this right can save owners and operators $millions.

We need a new approach to keep our road and rail routes open and safe…. let us tell you more about it:

How It Works

We use naturally occurring vibrations to establish whether a structure contains a fault. By attaching a sensor and using Machine Learning to identify patterns in vibration data, our algorithm enables us to monitor many bridges and buildings simultaneously, accurately, and economically.


24/7 monitoring in all weather conditions

Reduced dependence on subjective visual inspections

Early detection of latent faults

Significant cost savings on maintenance

We’d love to know what you think.

We’re developing the User Interface and would really appreciate your feedback on our designs. Leave your email below and we’ll be in touch.